Hospitality was passed down through the generations in her family, and Elizabeth continues to uphold it in herlife. She constantly contemplates how to make Joe T.’s guests feel welcome and comfortable. But it’s not juststrangers that benefit from her kind nature—her employees are like family, and, as any good leader, she goes outof her way to support them. In everything she does, Elizabeth remains true to her roots and continues to embodythe compassionate, hospitable spirit of what she learned first-hand from her family all those many years ago.
From her earliest years, Joe T Garcia’s has been a place of family and comfort for Elizabeth Lancarte; the tight-knit and hard-working environment of Joe T.s molded Elizabeth into a hospitable force for the family. As the youngest sibling, Elizabeth created a special bond with her oldest brother, Lanny.
As a young girl, she could be found standing in the kitchen behind her mother, Hope. Elizabeth watched Hope and Mamasuez meticulously make tortillas and enchiladas from scratch while her father warmly greeted dinner guests. Most mornings, Elizabeth would help Mamasuez sweep the then-unpaved kitchen doorstep. At just age 15, Elizabeth began to work in the kitchen, guided by Hope and Mamasuez: first, making nachos. Then, assembling trays. Next, making tortillas. And finally, crafting enchiladas. Eventually, she graduated to serving tables and working the register, mentored by her father, Paul. It was here thatElizabeth learned the power of consistency, resilience, and work ethic—where she, too, felt the calling of the family tradition.
Today, Elizabeth is married to Terry Moon and has children of her own: Tyler and Hope. She embodies her family’s empathetic, hospitable nature: caring for employees, guests, and family alike. With unwavering kindness, a steadiness and an extraordinary ability to connect with others, Elizabeth is motivated by a desire to serve those she cares about while also doing her part to preserve the Joe T.’s legacy. Even though she is soft spoken, Elizabeth is the driving force behind the satisfaction of Joe T.’s guests, striving to ensure the quality of the plates on the tables and the well-being of the staff that serves them.

“We always have each other’s back. My family is always there for me if I need them.”
— Elizabeth Lancarte
What are you most proud of? I am most proud of this life I live: The restaurant my mom built, my children,Hope and Tyler, who are involved in the daily business, and working alongside my family.
What is your favorite meal? The enchilada dinner! It’s the best.
What is your favorite spot at the restaurant? The family table in the front room. We used to sleep there when it got hot, because that table was always cool!
Who is your favorite person you met here at Joe T’s? All the old movie stars! Jimmy Stewart was amazing, and I remember being thrilled to meet Mikhail Baryshnikov.